
Monday, February 21, 2011

Nutella Palmiers

This is one of the easiest thing I have ever baked. My lil one is so fond of nutella that she can start her day with nutella bread and end her day with nutella paratha. She has caught flu and was at home today so I though of making these cute palmiers to cheer her up. Well..needless to say she enjoyed these a lot and is now demanding me to make some more to take to school tomorrow.

Palmiers is a french cookie also known as elephant ear cookie. These were very cute and delicious. To get good elephant ear shaped goodies the puff pastry sheets should be rolled out rectangular in shape but I had square sheets so got not so perfect palmiers.


Puff Pastry Sheets


Thaw the puff pastry sheets according to the instructions given in the package. Spread nutella on the sheet. Take longer side of the sheet and start rolling inward and stop in the middle then roll inwards from the other side. Apply little water to join where the rolls are meeting in the middle.
With knife cut the dough in approximately 1/2 inch thick slices.

Place the palmiers in baking sheet leaving enough space in between. Bake the palmiers in pre heated oven at 200 deg C for 10-15 minutes or till the puff pastry turns golden.

Sending this to Ayeesha's Any One Can Cook Series 17 and to Torview's Food Palette Series Brown


  1. Would love to have a piece with my cuppa :-) Yumm!!!

  2. Delish far as I am concerned putting nutella on it seals the deal for me :)

    US Masala

  3. looks very yummy and qiute a new delight to me

  4. Such an easy and delightful bake! Sounds so yum...

  5. This looks so delicious. Looks very cute.

  6. Wow this looks wonderful..super yummy

  7. Looks so yummy, nutella and puff pastry is irresistible. Thank you for linking this yummy recipe with Any One Can Cook :)

  8. wow...this is a great recipe. I wud love to make it right away, looking very inviting puff pastries !

  9. hmmmm Yummy yummy puff pastries :) inviting to eat :)

  10. simply delicious anything with puff pastry we love it wonderful
    thank you for linking

  11. Irresistible, delicious and tempting palmiers, lovely and yummy with nutella..

  12. Delish palmiers. awesome filling

  13. These must have surely lifted the spirits of your little one, hope she is doing better. Nutella and puff pastry are two things that I love, and these palmiers look like a perfect pairing.

  14. I am a sucker for anything chocolatey and i can't wait to make these!

  15. ooh those are cute :) love the idea of using nutella in here.. yum :)

  16. I too wanted to try my hands baking pastry sheets this way,looks wonderful and sounds easy too!

  17. wow looks too good would love to have a bite:)


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