Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rosewater Scented Thandai Spiced Biscuits

It has been quiet here from sometime and I am finding myself short of words now, it was difficult to stay away from my passion of food and blogging and I could not resist myself to come back with a post. 

We have been experiencing quite a few sandstorms since last month, usually I avoid going out in dusty weather but blame my fate, we went out on one such dusty day and I  subsequently fell ill with very bad allergic cough, which was not settling since weather continued to be bad, and after N number of doctor visits, drowsy days, sleepless nights, 5 boxes of tissues, 4 bottles of cough syrup and lots of homemade medicines later, I am finally al right...phew..what a relief.  

I missed playing holi and stayed away from Thandai, but I badly wanted to drink thandai and as drinking anything cold was not an option for me, I made biscuits instead with the thandai spice. These biscuits were super good with spices like fennel, cardamom and black pepper and fragrant with rose and rosewater. They were perfect for tea time.


Powdered Sugar- 75 Grams
Butter- 100 Grams
Salt- A Pinch
All Purpose Flour- 150 Grams
Corn Flour- 30 Grams
Baking Soda- 1/4 Tsp
Ground Thandai Masala - 1/4 Cup 
Rose Water- 2 Tbsp


  • Beat sugar, butter and salt together with a hand held beater on medium speed till creamy.
  • In a separate bowl sift together all purpose flour, cornflour, baking soda, thandai spice powder.
  • Add this flour mix into the butter mixture. Now add in rosewater.
  • Mix everything together to form a dough. Divide  the dough into two parts. Out of one part make a rectangular log . Wrap the log in cling film. Repeat the same with other round of dough.
  • Keep both logs to chill in the refrigerator for about an hour.
  • Preheat the oven at 180 degrees C.
  • After an hour take out the logs and cut them into approx 1/8 inch thick slices.
  • Arrange the slices about 1/2 inch apart in a greased baking tray and bake in the pre heated oven initially for 12 minutes then flip the cookies and bake again for another 5-6 minutes. 
  • The cookies will firm up on cooling.
  • Once completely cool, store in an airtight container.


  1. This is such a nice idea!! So original. I will try these for sure!

  2. Glad to see you well and back in action,Raji ! I'm going to try this biscuits but need to get some Thandai Masala soon. I'm sure my kids will love this.

  3. Superb flavors,love it..looks awesome.

  4. wow thats a very innovative one, quite flavorful too. Nice to see u back

  5. hey raji, glad to see u around. Thank god u r better after those traumatic days !! loved this thandai spiced biscuits- what a funky way to celebrate holi

  6. Sounds interesting...flavourful and looks very tempting

  7. Oh my gosh this is something truly out of the world i guess!!too good

  8. Wow!! Such a wonderful idea Raji! I love Thandai and thandai spiced biscuits sound awesome! Will try these soon!

  9. Lovely clicks as usual. I want to give a try to this biscuits. Lovely.

  10. welcome back Raji!!! :) Glad to know your family is well :) Happy to read a new post from you :)

  11. cookies are just wow. pics are gorgeous.

  12. Oh wow! U totally surprised me with the flavors it! And beautiful pictures as well :)

  13. glad to see u back n hope u doing fine now! Take care!
    VEry interesting biscuits...loved your beautiful clicks too!
    Spicy Treats
    OnGoing Event:kitchen Chronicles - Summer Splash
    Ongoing Event : HITS~Fiber Rich Foods

  14. Beautiful cookies !! perfectly baked !! loved them !!

    Ongoing event CC:Vegan Diet - Plant Based Food

  15. Nice idea dear, saw the sandstorm on youtube, glad you are fine now, love the clicks..

  16. Wowwww... looks so tempting and delicious.. beautiful clicks too.. thanks for sharing !!

  17. Nice n delicious biscuits. quite innovative.

  18. We have the effect of sand storm in mumbai for d past 2 days...even I have the same symptoms wat u had 4m almost 2 weeks..those thandai cookies look yumm

  19. Looks great, never really thought we could make cookies with thandai powder! The weather change is making everyone fall ill. Stay warm Raji and keep posting recipes :)

  20. So unique and I bet it tasted yummy!

  21. awesome recipe Raji. have bookmarked this. May favourite flavour combinations. The dust storms have been bad, really. Daughter unwell because of that. I hope you are feeling better now. lots of love and hugs!

  22. I just recently discovered rose water. What a gorgeous ingredient to bake with. Your biscuits sound wonderful! Hugs, Terra

  23. che meraviglia, è una ricetta davvero invitante! complimenti! un bacio e buona domenica! :)

  24. very interesting recipe and lovely photos!romantic


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