Saturday, December 31, 2011

Announcing Veggie/ Fruit A Month Event- Bottle Gourd


I take utmost pleasure in announcing that in this New Year the very popular Veggie/ Fruit A Month Event created by Priya of Mharo Rajasthan is being hosted at Vegetarian Tastebuds . I have chosen 'Bottle Gourd' as the star vegetable for this month.

Bottle gourd is known by various names like Opo Squash, Long Melon or Calabash in English and as Lauki, Ghiya, Doodhi in hindi and as Suraikkaii in Tamil. Bottle gourd is a treasure chest of goodness. Let me list some health benefits of bottle gourd-
  • Bottle gourd comprises of 96% of water so it is very good for kids and people with digestive disorders as it is very light on stomach and relieves constipation.
  • It has got only 12 calories per 100 grams so it is ideal for weight watchers.
  • It is very high in sodium and potassium and is helpful for people with hypertension.
Now coming back to the event there are some rules for this event-
  1. "Bottle Gourd" has to be the star ingredient in the dish.
  2. Prepare a vegetarian recipe (eggs are allowed).
  3. The recipe can be for breakfast, lunch, dinner, starters, entrées, side dishes, snacks, desserts and beverages. 
  4. Recipe has to be NEW. Archived entries are NOT allowed. I know you all are very creative so put on your thinking caps.
  5. Use of the logo is mandatory to help spread the word about the event.
  6. Link your post to this announcement and to Priya's event page.
  7. Non bloggers are also welcome just send me your name, recipe and a picture and I will include it in the round up.
  8. Please send me your entries between Jan'01 to Jan'31 at with 'bottle gourd' as the subject. Your details must include-
  • Your Name
  • Name of the blog
  • Recipe Name
  • Recipe URL
  • Photograph of your dish. Please ensure the picture is not large.
Round up will be posted in first week of February. Thanks to dear Priya for letting me host this event. Blogger buddies do send me your creative dishes. This is my first event and please help me make it a success. 

Currently the Veggie/ Fruit Event- Cucumber is being hosted at Ambrosia till Jan'15th, so send in your cucumber entries as well to Ambrosia.


  1. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  2. Lovely event. Wishing you and your family a wonderful wonderful New Year.

  3. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year.
    A wonderful choice of vegetable..Will definitely participate

  4. i love this veggie as its very light. will try to post something.
    a very happy new year to you and your family

  5. Thanks @ Deeksha @Anita

    @Kaveri @Sayantani..looking forward for your entries :)

  6. Happy Hosting ...Also A Very Happy new year .......

  7. I don't think I have ever seen bottle gourd, will have to keep an eye out! Sounds like a fun event :)
    Happy 2012!

  8. Happy Hosting and a Very Happy 2012.

  9. Wishing a happy and prosperous new year to you and family. Happy hosting. nice event.

  10. Nice event..Wishing you a very Happy New year Raji :)

  11. wishing you a fantastic 2012 Raji..:)
    sounds healthy event...happy hosting.
    Tasty Appetite

  12. Happy hosting!!I will send my entries...I linked to my events list Food Blog Events

  13. Wish u a great year 2012..Following u..!!!
    Pls visit my blog and leave your valuable thoughts..! Thanks,Raji!..
    U r in Dubai!!!

  14. Very nice event.
    It will easy to send in entries if you could please add a linky tool.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Nisha..will add linky tool from my next event.

  15. please add a link tool to your blog so tht we can link our recipes..

    1. As I wanted round up to be more personal and descriptive I have not added linky tool. I would really appreciate if you could kindly take little bit of extra effort and send me your entry by e-mail. Thanks.

  16. hi do we need to send our recipes to ur email?

  17. Hi Raji, I tried ur chocolate & bottlegourd cake & it turned out fabulous. Can I shamelessly link the same recipe to ur own event? :D Let me know


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